The Original Site

I’ve been saving for my ‘dream house’ for 40 years.
After a five year search through waterfront properties in CT, the Adirondacks, MA, NH and finally ME, this was the property that offered the combination of things I'd been seeking.

The setting is idyllic with fields, woods, old stone walls, apple trees, lilac trees and many perennial gardens. There's lots of land, facing west for sunsets, on the protected waterfront of Maine and with a big freshwater pond. The whole lot sits atop Maine ledge, which is sculpted to fall gently towards the water.

 It's in an area where I hope to be able to offer weekend and week-long retreats that combine personal growth, spirituality and 'back to nature' events, including hiking, paddling and exploring the nearby Botanical Gardens. I also hope to develop a life coaching and psychotherapy practice and have a gallery where I will sell jewelry, paintings and photographs. See Bold Colorful Life for more detail.  Boothbay Harbor is a big tourist draw, and it’s just down the road.

And there are natural bonuses: 13 preserves for hiking within 10 miles---5 within 5 miles---one within 1/2 mile; a major Botanical Garden within 5 miles; kayaking possibilities in rivers and lakes and the Atlantic. The Rockland/Camden area and Freeport shopping are within an hour's drive in either direction; and my favorite Maine park, Acadia National Park is two hours or so. Nova Scotia and Prince Edward island, both favorite parts of Canada, are nearby too……..




'Land at the Water’s Edge is different—it’s where two worlds meet, where weather systems collide, where views are longer, and where you can almost feel as though you own a little piece of infinity.'

The House from the River

The River from the House


Press here to continue the Maine adventure-Landscaping






Website Design and Maintenance: Melissa L. Thornton, MBA, LMFT              Copyright © 2002      Last Updated: 08/26/2016